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To list all available commands in bb-cli

bb login

To log in to Appblocks Account.

bb logout

To log out from Appblocks Account.

bb use/bb use space_name

To connect with or to switch space context.

bb connect <service>

To connect source control provider (organization/personal account) with CLI to create, sync and manage repositories.

eg: bb connect github

Currently, we only support GitHub.

bb disconnect <service>

To remove source control connection from bb-cli

eg: bb disconnect GitHub

bb config

To list, delete & set configuration details of bb-cli

bb init <package_name>

Used to create a package block.

eg: bb init todo_package_app

bb  create <component>

Used to create a block; UI, Function, or Shared Block. This command will prompt you to choose the type of block. It will also create a sample template.

bb start / bb start <block_name>

To run all blocks/individual blocks separately.

bb stop / bb stop <block_name>

To kill a running block

bb sync

To sync already created block/s to Appblocks Registry for the first time. OR

To register/re-register locally available blocks.

bb ls

To see the list of all blocks in a package context and their details.

If you pass the -g option to show all the blocks in the machine when inside a package context.

bb log <block_name>

Read and Display logs generated by Live blocks.

bb flush

To remove the logs generated by bb-cli.

bb create-version  <block_name>

To attach a version to a block release.

bb publish <block_name>

To release a version to Appblocks Registry.

bb publish <block_name>

To release a version to Appblocks Registry.

bb pull <block_name>

To pull a block from the blocks registry. Also used to pull purchased blocks. This will also prompt users if they want to create it as a variant block.

bb exec <block_name>

To run custom commands inside all block directories

bb push <block_name>

To push the changes to the repo for a block. With -f flag, it will push all the blocks in a package context.

bb add-tag

To add a tag to a particular block. Tags are needed for discoverability in the registry.

bb add-categories

To add categories to a particular block. Categories are needed for proper searchability in the block registry.

bb create-app

To create an app in the selected space. The block of code will be provisioned with the app as well. This will create an app.config.json in the root of the block.

bb start-job [block name]

To start a job block in the local machine. It will be started as a cron job.

bb stop-job [block name]

To stop the job for a block. Removes the cronjob.

bb pr  <block-name>

To raise PR to a block pulled as a forked variant.

bb update-language-version <block-name>

To update or add new language versions supported by the block

bb list-language-version <block-name>

To list all language versions supported by the block

bb delete <block-name>

To delete the block from the registry.

bb deploy <block-name>

To deploy the block to the configured cloud infrastructure. Currently, appblocks supports easy deploy to AWS container infrastructure.

bb delete-app

To delete an app

bb provision-app <appId>

To provision an app to a package block context

bb create-env

To create an environment for the provisioned app. You can create any number of environments now. Normally, it's good to create dev, test, stage, and prod environments.

bb upload [block_name]

To upload the source code registry, after which the user can run the deploy command to use that uploaded version of source code to deploy the same in infrastructure.