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Hello World

Appblock refers to a component or module of code that can be independently developed and seamlessly integrated into larger applications, promoting collaboration and reusability through standardized data models and a Micro Architecture approach where backend API endpoints are implemented as functions.


    npm i @appblocks/bb-cli -g

The BB CLI streamlines block creation, collaboration, management, and deployment by connecting to the Appblocks Registry. Know More

Creating A Package

    bb init <package_name>

This will create a package from scratch

You can select whether your package is public/private and also you can select deafult project or predefined Todo Package App. See more

Creating A Block

  bb create <block_name>

Used to create a block; UI, Function, or Shared Block. This command will prompt you to choose the type of block. It will also create a sample template.


You Can Find Examples of different types of block and change the index file with examples.

Starting A Block

  bb start

Executing the above command will build and serve the blocks on available free ports. By default, the functions will use port 5000.See More